Coach and Owner

Michelle Frisby

I’m the founder and sole coach of Frisby Financial Coaching. I’m a wife and a mother of two adult children. I’m a retired Air Force veteran with 20 years of service. My husband is also a retired Air Force veteran. I graduated from Wayland Baptist University with a bachelor’s degree in business administration.

The Story of My Own Financial Journey

My husband and I have always considered ourselves “good with money”. We paid our bills on time and were always careful never to take on debt unless we could “afford the payments”. As we were promoted through the Air Force ranks, we made more money and let "lifestyle-creep" in. We began to live beyond our means, racking up credit card debt and vehicle loans. We bought a house that was too expensive with zero-down (thank you VA loan) and when the Air Force moved us to another state, we were too upside down to sell it at the time, so we rented it out for 3 years. We had to take a loss every month because the going rate of rentals was not as much as our $3K/mo. mortgage. Then covid hit and our renters broke the lease early, leaving us without renters for 3 months before we could sell it.

Rewind a little to 2019, as I was preparing to retire from my career in the Air Force, we were forced to confront our financial situation. It didn’t look good. Despite our middle-class income, we were struggling and living paycheck-to-paycheck. How could this be? Like a lot of people, we were living beyond our means and had gotten ourselves into almost every debt you can think of. We had $120K in consumer debt, our minimum payments on non-mortgage debt alone totaled $3,000 per month! We were scared and something had to give. God answered our plea for help in the form of a financial class offered at our church (Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University). This changed the trajectory of our lives forever.

Today, we are debt-free except our home and are on track to pay it off within the next 5 years, which is 18 years ahead of schedule! The amount of relief that we feel with our debt paid off and a fully funded emergency fund is unbelievable. I don’t say this to brag, but to show you what is possible.

Filling a Need

After overcoming our own financial struggles, I realized there was a need that wasn’t being met in my community for other hardworking, struggling families.

So, I enrolled in the Financial Coach Master Training program by Ramsey Solutions so that I could help fill that need. I became a financial coach because I believe you and your family deserve to experience that same feeling of relief and peace that I have. Today, I offer a custom coaching program that allows you to get some breathing room back in your life.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or feel you just need a little guidance, please don’t hesitate to contact me or book a FREE 20-minute Q&A call to discuss your needs. If you’re not in Tampa, FL, no worries! I’m also available to meet online via Zoom. I want you to know that I understand your situation because I’ve been there too, and I want to provide hope for your money, life and legacy. I would be honored to serve you!

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Stressed about money? Tired of just getting by? Simply complete the form below, let me know your preferred contact method, and I'll respond to you within 48 hours.